at-home valentine's day date night ideas

My Top 5 At-Home Valentine’s Day Date Night Ideas

How do we make Valentine’s Day special when we’re all stuck at home? As someone who likes to make all holidays feel like a big deal, it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot. We all deserve a little fun, especially now. We all do. So I put together a little list of my top five at-home Valentine’s Day date night ideas for your and your babe. 

at-home valentine's day date night ideas

Your drink of choice & connection with Skin Deep conversation cards

I found these cards online a few weeks ago, promising to help build connection and bring couples closer together. I ordered them immediately. 

So the way they ask you to “play” is to draw 12 cards from the deck and ask them to each other, allowing both people to answer. Some of the questions are sweet and lighthearted, others are a little deeper and more serious. There are decks for dating couples, couples who have been together for decades and everything in between. We decided we’ll pair these card nights with a drink (or two) to help us loosen up for those deeper questions. Can’t hurt, right? 

At-home paint-by-numbers kits

In the before-times (as I’m now calling everything pre-2020), I used to love going to those wine and painting classes. A little drink and a little art. It was so fun, even though I’m pretty sure the wine only highlighted how terrible I am at painting. 

It’s obviously not as safe, or possible in some places, to go to these kinds of classes right now. Lucky for us, some companies have found a way to help us do these at home. So clear the dinner table (maybe put an old sheet on it to be safe) and get to painting. Check out these incredible paint by numbers sets that Ryan and I tried last month.

A heads up: These are not a quick couple of hour activity. It’s something you can work on over time, so take your time and enjoy it all coming together bit by bit.

Learn to cook something fancy & new together

Okay, I can see where this one might make you roll your eyes. 

“What do you mean cook together? I’m cooking every night and it’s the last thing I want to do on a date night!”

Listen, I hear you. I cook every night in our house. BUT I cook the same things over and over. Maybe throwing in a new recipe here or there, but nothing fun or fancy these days. I love cooking and baking, but it gets boring and tiring. So, why not spice it up with an online cooking class or a new, fun recipe? I’m talking sushi rolling or baking a delicious soufflé. What’s a better at-home Valentine’s Day date night idea than baking a new fancy AF dessert together?!

Not only do you get to eat on this date night, but there’s plenty of space for playful fun with your babe while you’re cooking. Check out these options for online cooking classes from Cozy Meal and Williams Sonoma.

at-home valentine's day date night ideas

Plan a big trip for when we can all travel again

I know so many people who had to put off trips they had been looking forward to this year. Maybe it’s a honeymoon or an anniversary trip. Maybe it was a trip somewhere fun just because. Either way, it’s been a bummer to put those plans and the excitement that comes with planning those trips on hold. 

The boyfriend and I were hoping to take a big trip to Alaska in 2022. Because of the uncertainty around safety and travel, we’ve decided to put that off a year or two. But I’m one of those people who gets insanely excited about planning my trips, and I thought, why stop? Why not watch a whole bunch of cool videos about the places we want to visit, explore the options for our future trip and still get excited about the trip we’ll take one day? Even better if i’s a trip you’ll plan to take next Valentine’s Day.

Puzzles or game night

This is one that’s great for couples and families. Game nights, where you turn off the tv and put down your phone, is a great way to relax and have some fun. No matter what you end up doing, disconnecting from the world and connecting with your person is always a win. 

If puzzles are your thing, consider turning your favorite photos into puzzles to work on! And if you need some updated pics to build your puzzles with, reach out to our favorite photographer. We’re taking extra precautions to keep ourselves and our clients safe, but we’d love to work with you. 

at-home valentine's day date night ideas

As a bonus idea, talk to your photographer about booking a fun, intimate at-home photography session!

These are shoots where we come to your home, photograph you in your element together to showcase the beauty of your relationship, especially in these crazy days.

Swipe on some mascara or stick with the sweats if that’s your thing and bring your favorite photographer over for a quick, safe shoot. Even though we’re all dying to get out of the house right now, this is a time in our lives we’re never ever going to forget. So why not have a little fun and get some great images to document it all while we’re stuck here? If this is something you’re interested in, for Valentine’s Day or any other time, I’d love to be that photographer for you!

I hope after reading through these at-home Valentine’s Day date night ideas you have some fun new plans for a safe, cozy evening at home.

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